America Needs A Sociology Lesson

Individualism doesn’t mean you don’t participate in societal dynamics

Elle Beau ❇︎
Inside of Elle Beau
11 min readApr 8, 2021


Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

The culture in the United States is so individual-oriented that it can be very difficult for many Americans to believe that they do not, in fact, live as a semi-autonomous island, making their own way in the world based solely on their wit, moxy, and work ethic. This shows up most often in discussions about social dynamics such as racism or misogyny.

“I don’t do that stuff.”

“You can’t blame every man or everyone with White skin for that.”

“Woke people say reprehensible things about straight, White, males all the time.”

These are the kinds of things I routinely hear from people who do not know how to wrap their heads around the fact that not only are they individuals, but they also are co-creators of the society that we all live in, and as such do, in fact, bear some responsibility for the ills that take place within it.

Human beings are an incredibly socially interconnected species so there’s that to start with. We rely heavily on our relationship with each other to create well-being on the immediate micro-level, but also in a broader sense. America may have a current culture that’s all about competition, but we’ve also paid a heavy price for…



Elle Beau ❇︎
Inside of Elle Beau

Dispelling cultural myths with research-driven stories. "Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge." ~ Carl Jung